4 Verses that Transformed my Evangelism
Tell Someone Pastor Jeff Moorehead Tell Someone Pastor Jeff Moorehead

4 Verses that Transformed my Evangelism

Paul’s trip to Athens is a goldmine for giving us a biblical approach to witnessing. We’re used to looking at Acts 17 and considering his approach in the marketplace and the synagogue, and to analyzing how in his Areopagus speech he both connects with and confronts the lies of the Athenians’ culture and worldview.

But what transformed my evangelism was verses 24–27. Look at what the apostle says about God and about people:

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Fast Facts on What To Do When You’re on the Ropes in a Witnessing Encounter
Tell Someone Pastor Jeff Moorehead Tell Someone Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Fast Facts on What To Do When You’re on the Ropes in a Witnessing Encounter

Jason Carlson (Christian Ministries International)

Sometimes in our apologetic conversations, whether with cultists or skeptics, we will be confronted with a question or challenge that we simply don’t have an answer for. What should we do in those situations?

Avoid the temptation to make up an answer. Not only is this dishonest, but it’s not really helping the person you’re witnessing to.

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Christ’s Church exists to glorify God by making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ through intentional relationships.