Watch Out for the Money Trap
Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead Thursday Loop Email Pastor Jeff Moorehead

Watch Out for the Money Trap

It seems like everything these days comes with some kind of warning. I guess it keeps the liability attorneys well-fed and corporations well-protected and consumers well-notified. On the wrapper of a Fruit Roll-Up snack: “Remove before eating.” (Thanks for the heads up.) On a remote control for a TV: “Not dishwasher safe.” (So glad for this, since that would have been my first thought.) On a pack of Breath Savers: “Not for weight control.” (Hmmm, maybe their taste makes you feel like you’re losing weight??) On a container of underarm deodorant: “Caution: Do not spray in eyes.” (Oh my, such a critical warning.)  So much for the warning label industry that keeps us well-informed and…safe.

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