Emotions & Feelings

Entering God’s Joy
April 30, 2015 by Ed Welch

“I am bent toward realistic pessimism. Stock markets will go bad, my health will get worse, and I will die in a way that is not my first preference. These and many other prophecies seem realistic to me, and if I can maintain a certain level of this “Eyore-ness,” they might even ward off some future disappointment (though it seems odd to try to minimize disappointment by living with a low-grade version of it now).”


Do Real Men Cry?
July 8, 2014 by BCC Staff

“Jesus didn’t just cry a tear or two—he wept. He wept is the shortest verse in the Bible, yet so powerful!”


How to Beat that Bad Mood
March 24, 2014 by Tim Challie’s

“Over the weekend I came across a few different articles on a common theme: grumpiness. These were articles meant to offer guidance in those times—those inevitable times—when you’re in a bad mood and just can’t break out. While the articles had some helpful advice, they had this in common: They dealt with symptoms rather than root cause. They dealt with overcoming the manifestations of grumpiness instead of looking for the heart of grumpiness. Christians can do better.”


Strong Emotions, Extreme Confidence
March 27, 2010 by Ed Welch

“Strong emotions always insist on particular interpretations of life, and they are in no mood to listen to alternatives. “It is vain to contend with anything that hath the power of our affections at its disposal; it will prevail at the last.” So says Jonathan Edwards in Treatise on Religious Affections, and he is right. When you feel something strongly, you are very confident in whatever that emotion says about you, other people, and God.”


The Sensuous Christian
May 22, 2013 by Wisdom for Life

The sensuous Christian is one who lives by his feelings rather than through his understanding of the Word of God. The sensuous Christian cannot be moved to service, prayer or study unless he ‘feels like it.’ His Christian life is only as effective as the intensity of present feelings.”


“But Pastor, I don’t feel like it”
August 8, 2016 By Dr Joseph Stowell & Dr. Steven Viars

“Many people make unwise choices in response to the way they feel about their circumstances: A person won’t forgive because he is angry. People resist biblical counsel because they don’t feel like doing what Scripture prescribes. A person doesn’t serve because he doesn’t feel like coming to church. People walk away from their faith because they don’t feel that God loves them.”


Emotions are a Language
August 5, 2016 By Ed Welch

“Think of emotions as a language. They say something—something very important—and part of our job is to figure out what they are saying. Sometimes the interpretation is easy. A friend says, “I feel so afraid.” She is saying that a threat looms over something that is important to her.”




