The War Within: Galatians 5:16-18
March 20, 2015 by Jim Newheiser

“One of the greatest privileges of my life is the weekly opportunity I have to preach consecutively through the Scriptures from the pulpit of our church. In addition to the good this does to my own soul, the detailed exposition of the Word equips me to counsel others. I often find myself going to texts I have recently preached when addressing the problems of my counselees.”


Not Again Sin
March 20, 2015 by Brad Hambrick

“Have you lived the book of Judges lately? Not have you read the book of Judges lately, but have you lived it? The chorus of Judges is, “The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord their God.” Then there is a new verse of a different Judge who God sends to deliver Israel from its sin bondage—Othniel, Deborah, Gideon, most famously Samson and several others—before the chorus begins again.

When we read the story of Judges, we shake our heads with a pious grin and confused chuckle. Could they not learn from the mistakes of one generation to the next? Could they not be satisfied with God‟s blessings to the intermittent generations of faithfulness?.”


How to Talk to Someone about Sin
2015 by Ed Welch

“You are about to read an excerpt from Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love.1 This book identifies the skills we need to help one another. It is for every- one—friends, parents, neighbors. God is pleased to use ordinary people, ordinary conversations, and extraordinary and wise love to do most of the heavy lifting in his kingdom.”


Self-Examination Speaks a Thousand Lies
June 7, 2017 by Jared Mellinger

“Unhealthy introspection is a daily threat to our joy in Christ. Many of us tend to examine ourselves in a way that is excessive, inaccurate, and leads to discouragement. I’m failing at everything. I don’t like the way God made me. The Lord is not helping me. My service is worthless. My gifting is useless. My growth is hopeless.”



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