A Unified Community Through the Gospel

“and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.”
2 Corinthians 5:15 


What is your testimony? Were you saved as a child? Did you walk the “straight and narrow”? Did you have a rough start? However God called you to repentance, your conversion is a miracle! Being brought from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light is such an awesome thing that even the angels in heaven rejoice. When we confess our faith in Jesus Christ, accept His death and resurrection as the payment for our sins, and turn from our ways to His, He becomes our Savior and our Lord.  

As you go through your routines each day, remember the gospel and your story. Remember the deliverance from hell, and equally remember the love that motivated the action. Let His love compel you to become a fully devoted follower of Christ. 


Often, I am motivated to action by the things that give me the most attention, pleasure, or instant gratification. Many times I am selfish with my finances and my time. My actions show my love for me is greater than my love for Christ, even though I profess that Christ is my Lord. 

Biblical love is sacrificial and unconditional. As you meditate on this verse, think about the love of Christ. He selflessly gave His life to redeem us. Imitating His love enables us to love others correctly. Living for Him will look different in each of us depending on the circumstances and the people who come into our lives. We glorify God when we filter our thoughts and actions through His commands rather than our feelings.  


As we serve others with His love individually, we blend together into a community of women selflessly living for Him who died and rose again for us rather than for ourselves. What a wonderful picture of the gospel! 


On Fear and Anxiety


Designed by God for a Purpose