Why Baptism?

Why Get Baptized?  

It's an issue of Significance | It is a public physical act that signifies a spiritual reality. It is symbolic of:  

It's an issue of Submission | The Lord Jesus Christ Himself was baptized  (Matthew 3:13-15) and commanded every believer (disciple) to be baptized in water. (Matthew 28:19-20). It was clearly the initial first step of obedience that every New Testament believer took (Acts 2:388:12-1335-379:17-1810:47-4816:13-1530-3318:8Matthew 28:19-20)  and was administered by total immersion (meaning of the Greek word "baptizo").   

 Who Is a Proper Candidate for Baptism?  

There are four prerequisites to baptism presented in the Bible.  

  • Everyone baptized HEARD the Gospel (Acts 18:8). 

  • Everyone baptized BELIEVED the Gospel (Acts 16:29-34, Mark 16:16). 

  • Everyone baptized REPENTED of their sins (Acts 2:38). 

  • Everyone baptized made a VERBAL CONFESSION of Jesus Christ (Acts 8:37) 

There is no occurrence of infants being baptized in the Bible. Since an infant cannot hear, believe, repent and confess Jesus Christ, they are therefore not a proper candidate for baptism.  

Questions & Answers Regarding Baptism  

Q: What is the biblical mode of baptism? 
A: Bible baptism is total immersion. The only word Jesus and all other Bible writers used was "baptism" ("bapto", "baptizo", "baptisma") which meant to dip, submerge, immerse, drench, overwhelm or soak. All Bible baptisms were done by submerging a person under water.  

Q: Why isn't sprinkling an acceptable form of baptism? 
A: The Greek word "rantizo" is never used in connection with baptism. The Bible word for baptism "baptizo" always means a submersion and its symbols (a burial and a washing) are best depicted by immersion.   

Q: What if I have already been sprinkled as an adult? 
A: Re-Baptism by immersion would be very appropriate and honoring to God as you live up to the truth you now have (Acts 19:1-5). This does not in any way invalidate your previous commitment to Christ, but only reinforces it by responding to a fuller knowledge of God's Word and will.  

Q: Does baptism save us from our sin? 
A: No, salvation is always a free gift of God's grace received by faith in Jesus Christ, not by any work or effort of our own  (Ephesians 2:8-9).  A better question is, "Can you think of any reason not to be baptized, if you are saved?"   

Q: Why do we require a person to be baptized in order to be a member of Christ's Church? 
A: There were no unbaptized believers added to the church in Acts. We require no more or no less than what Jesus required of His church. Because Christ commanded baptism for His followers (Matthew 28:19-20), we require the same. This is not merely our church policy, but the policy of Jesus Christ for His Church.   

Q: Why is baptism so important? 
A: It is simply an issue of Lordship, submitting to the Lord's will.  

For further information or scheduling your baptism, please contact our office at 253-941-2711 or email us at office@ccfw.org.  


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